

Submit the Article

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to following checklist.

    The submitted manuscript must be written in English.
    An original manuscript would generally consist of 5,000-8,000 words (excluding figures, tables, and references), although a high-quality article exceeding 8,000 words may be considered. The Short or Long article must contain an Abstract of 250-350 words with 5-6 Keywords.

    Long Articles: An article must comprehensively analyze the issue that the author seeks to highlight. It must contain a rigorous study of the contemporary issue in any area of Law. A long article should be between 5,000-8,000 words.
    Short Articles: An essay challenges existing paradigms/norms and provides a fresh outlook to common problems. It is strongly recommended that essays be considerably more concise than articles, in terms of scope and conceptualization. A short article must thus ideally be between 2,000-5,000 words.
    Case Comments: A case comment allows the author to critique any recent/landmark judicial pronouncement, legislation, or a pending bill. The word limit for a case comment is 1,500-2,500 words.
    Book Reviews: The book review must be written in a concise manner. The word limit for book review is 1000-2,000 words.

    The submitted manuscript should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    The author may only submit a conference article if the article has been completely re-written and the author has cleared any necessary permissions with the copyright owner if it has been previously copyrighted.
    Briefs and research notes are not published in this journal.
    All our articles go through a double-blind review process.
    All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted article.Refer to ‘Publication Ethics’
    The article needs to be in a standard format of the journal with file extension .doc or .docx; cannot accept PDF and others. To download template file, Click here
    The author should rename the file as ‘Author last name, first name_Vol. --_Issue --_Year”
    The author must submit an article through an E-mail.

The author should mail the electronic copy of the manuscript to juriocratis@gmail.com.
