

Call for Blogs

Who can submit?

Students (UG/PG), Research Scholars, Academicians, Legal Professionals.


Any Topic Related to Law

Submissions on Rolling Basis

Mail manuscript with a Cover letter to juriocratis@gmail.com

Submission Guidelines

    The title of the blog is under 90 characters.
    Citations can be incorporated in the text by adding footnotes [4th OSCOLA or SILC] or by linking to the authoritative internet source.
    The word count is strictly limited to 700-2500 words.
    The maximum amount of plagiarism allowed is 20% including references.
    All entries should be submitted in .doc or .docx format and the manuscripts must be e-mailed to juriocratis@gmail.com

For any query feel free to contact us on: (+91) 935.669.3043

call for blogs